
Associate Professor Dominiek Coates is a published author with almost 100 academic publications in psychology, counselling, mental health, healthcare and psychiatry. Examples of key publications are included below.  Her full publication list is available here.

Childhood abuse, neglect and trauma 

Coates, D. (2010). Impact of Childhood Abuse: Biopsychosocial Pathways Through Which Adult Mental Health is Compromised. Australian Social Work, 63(4), 391 — 403.

Coates, D. (2010). Working with adult survivors of childhood abuse: a review of existing treatment models. Psychotherapy in Australia, 17(1).

Coates, D. (2010). `Best Practice’ Guidelines for Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse’. Counselling Australia, 10(1), 3-12.

Youth mental health

Coates, D., Wright, L., Moore, T., Pinnell, S., Merillo, C., & Howe, D. (2019). The psychiatric, psychosocial and physical health profile of young people with early psychosis: Data from an early psychosis intervention service. Child and Youth Services, 40(1).

Coates, D., Saleeba, C., & Howe, D. (2018). Mental health attitudes and beliefs in a community sample on the Central Coast in Australia: Barriers to help seeking. Community Mental Health. 55(3).

Coates, D., & Howe, D. (2017). Improving throughput in a Youth Mental Health Service. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 30(3).

Dharni, A., & Coates, D. (2018). Psychotropic medication profile in a community youth mental health service in Australia. Children and Youth Services Review, 90, 8-14.

Coates, D. (2016). Client and parent feedback on a Youth Mental Health Service: The importance of family inclusive practice and working with client preferences. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 25(6), 526-535.

Coates, D., & Howe, D. (2015). Integrating a youth participation model in a youth mental health service: Challenges and lessons learned. Child and Youth Services.

Coates, D., & Howe, D. (2014). The importance and benefits of youth participation in mental health settings from the perspective of the headspace Gosford Youth Alliance in Australia. Children and Youth Services Review, 46, 294–299.

Howe, D., Coates, D., & Batchelor, S. (2014). Headspace Gosford data: The local application of a National model. Australasian Psychiatry, 22(4), 374–377.

Howe, D., Batchelor, S., Coates, D., & Cashman, E. (2014). Nine key principles to guide Youth Mental Health: Development of Service Models in New South Wales. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 8(2), 190-197.

Howe, D., Batchelor, S., & Coates, D. (2015). Young Australians with moderate to severe mental health problems: Client data and outcomes at Children and Young People’s Mental Health. Early Interv Psychiatry, 11(4), 334-341.

Simmons, M., Coates, D., Batchelor, S., Dimopoulos, T., & Howe, D. (2017). The CHOICE Pilot Project: Challenges of implementing a combined peer work and shared decision making program in an early intervention service. Early Interv Psychiatry.

Adult mental health

Coates, D. (2018). An Overview of Service Models for Urgent and Emergency Psychiatric Care. Journal of Psycholsocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 56(8).

Coates, D., David, M., Roberts, B., & Duerden, D. (2019). An examination of the profile and journey of patients with mental illness in the emergency department. International journal of Emergency nursing.

Coates, D., Higgings, O., Woodford, P., & Grover, D. (2017). Evaluation of a general practitioner-led cardiometabolic clinic: Physical health profile and treatment outcomes for clients on clozapine. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27(1), 303-310.

Coates, D., Coppleson, D., & Travaglia, J. (2021). Factors supporting the implementation and sustainability of integrated care between physical and mental health services: An integrative review. Interprofessional care.

Coates, D., Coppleson, D., & Schmied, V. (2020). Integrated physical and mental health care: An overview of models and their evaluation findings. Int J Evid Based Healthc.

Coates, D., Livermore, P., & Green, R. (2018). The development and implementation of a peer support model for a specialist mental health service for older people: Lessons learned. Mental Health Review Journal, 23(2).

Coates, D., Livermore, P., & Green, R. (2018). The unique contribution of older people with a lived experience of mental illness to the peer workforce: Observations from older peer workers. The European Journal of patient centred healthcare, 6(1).

Mental illness during pregnancy and parenting

Coates, D., Davis, E., & Campbell, L. (2016). The experiences of women who have accessed a perinatal and infant mental health service: A qualitative investigation. Adv in Men Health, 15(1), 88-100.

Coates, D., Saleeba, C., & Howe, D. (2018). Profile of consumers and their partners of a perinatal and infant mental health (PIMH) service in Australia. Health Soc Care Community, 26(1).

Coates, D., Phelan, R., Heap, J., & Howe, D. (2017). “Being in a group with others who have mental illness makes all the difference”: The views and experiences of parents who attended a mental health parenting program. Children and Youth Services Review, 78, 104-111.

Coates, D., & Foureur, M. (2019). The role and competence of midwives in supporting women with mental health concerns during the perinatal period: A scoping review. Health and Social Care in the Community. 27(4)

Comorbid mental health and drug and alcohol issues

Coates, D. (2017). Working with families with parental mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues where there are child protection concerns: Inter-agency Collaboration. Child and Family Social Work, 22(S4), 1-10.

Coates, D., & Howe, D. (2016). An evaluation of a service to keep children safe in families with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Australasian Psychiatry, 24(5), 483-488.

Coates, D., & Howe, D. (2015). Working with families who experience parental mental health and/or drug and alcohol problems in the context of child protection concerns: recommendations for service improvement. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 36, 325–341.

Chivaurah, B., Lienert, D., & Coates, D. (2019). Amphetamine-type substance related presentations to the Emergency Department Mental Health Team of a Local Health District in Australia. Australas Psychiatry.

Cults, identity and self-change

Coates, D. (2011). Counselling former members of charismatic groups: Considering pre-involvement variables, reasons for joining the group and corresponding values. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 14(3), 191 – 207.

Coates, D. (2010). Post-involvement difficulties experienced by former members of charismatic groups. Journal of Religion and Health, 49(3), 296-310.

Coates, D. (2009). Former members of charismatic groups: Modalities of adjustment. Psychotherapy in Australia, 16(1), 24-31.

Coates, D. (2012). Cult commitment from the perspective of former members: Direct rewards of membership versus dependency inducing practices. Deviant Behavior, 33(3), 168-184.

Coates, D. (2015). Life inside a deviant “religious” group: Conformity and commitment as ensured through ‘brainwashing’ or as the result of normal processes of socialisation. The international journal of crime, criminal justice and law, 44, 103-121.

Coates, D. (2014). New Religious Movement membership and the importance of stable ‘others’ for the making of selves. Journal of Religion and Health, 53(5), 1300-1316.

Coates, D. (2013). Balancing personal autonomy and social connectedness: The role of new religious movements or ‘cult’ membership from the perspective of former members. Psychotherapy in Australia, 19(4), 56-64.

Coates, D. (2013). The Effect of New Religious Movement Affiliation and Disaffiliation on Reflexivity and Sense of Self. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 52(4), 793–809.

Coates, D. (2013). Tensions Between Self and “Others” in the Making of the Self: The Role of Childhood Experiences in the Development of Reflexivity. In Social Theories of History and Histories of Social Theory (pp. 277-295). London: Emerald.

Coates, D. (2012). Disaffiliation from a New Religious Movement: The importance of self and others in exit. Symbolic Interaction, 3(2).

Coates, D. (2012). “I’m now far healthier and better able to manage the challenges of life”: The mediating role of New Religious Movement membership and exit. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 14(3), 181-208.

Coates, D. (2012). The significance and purpose of the ‘Anti-Cult Movement’ in facilitating disaffiliation from a New Religious Movement: Resources for self-construction or a justificatory account. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 3(2), 213-244.

Coates, D. (2012). A symbolic interactionist understanding of the selves of former members of New Religious Movements. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 14, 181–208.

Women’s health, childbirth and maternity care

Coates, D., Donnelly, N., Foureur, M., & Henry, A. (2021). Women’s experiences of decision-making and attitudes in relation to induction of labour: A survey study. WOMBI. 34(2).

Coates, D., Donnelly, N., Thirukumar, P., Lainchbury, A., Spear, V., & Henry, A. (2020). Women’s experiences of decision-making and beliefs in relation to planned caesarean section: A survey study. ANZJOG.

Coates, D., Thirukumar, P., & Henry, A. (2020). The experiences of shared decision-making of women who had an induction of labour. Patient Educ Couns. 104(3).

Coates, D., Thirukumar, P., & Henry, A. (2019). Women’s experiences and satisfaction with having a caesarean birth: An integrative review. Birth.

Coates, D., Thirukumar, P., & Henry, A. (2019). Making shared decisions in relation to planned caesarean sections:  What are we up to? Patient Educ Couns, 103(6), 1176-1190.

Coates, D., Thirukumar, P., Spear, V., Brown, G., & Henry, A. (2019). What are women’s mode of birth preferences and why? A systematic scoping review. Women & Birth. 33(4)

Thirukumar, P., Coates, D., & Henry, A. (2020). Women’s experiences of intrapartum care and recovery in relation to planned Caesarean Sections: An interview study. Women and Birth. 34(4).

Thirukumar, P., Henry, A., & Coates, D. (2021). Women’s experiences and involvement in decision-making in relation to planned Caesarean Section: An interview study. Journal of Perinatal Education. 30(4).

Coates, D., Henry, A., Chambers, G. M., Paul, R., Makris, A., Clerke, T., & Donnelly, N. (2021). Exploring variation in the performance of planned birth: A mixed method study. Midwifery, 98(102988).

Coates, D., Donnolley, N., Foureur, M., Spear, V., & Henry, A. (2020). Exploring unwarranted clinical variation: The attitudes of midwives and obstetric medical staff regarding induction of labour and planned caesarean section. WOMBI, 34 (4).

Coates, D., Donnolley, N., & Henry, A. (2020). The attitudes and beliefs of Australian midwives and obstetricians about birth options and labor interventions. Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health.

Coates, D., Makris, A., Catling, C., Henry, A., Scarf, V., Watts, N., . . . Homer, C. (2020). A systematic scoping review of clinical indications for induction of labour. PLoS One.

Coates, D., Goodfellow, A., & Sinclair, L. (2019). Induction of labour: Experiences of care and decision-making of women and clinicians. Woman and Birth, 33(1), e1-e14.

Coates, D., Homer, C., Wilson, A., Deady, L., Mason, E., Foureur, M., & Henry, A. (2019). Indications for, and timing of, planned caesarean section: Systematic analysis of guidelines. Women and Birth, 33(1), 22-34.

Coates, D., Homer, C., Wilson, A., Deady, L., Mason, E., Foureur, M., & Henry, A. (2019). Induction of labour indications and timing: A systematic analysis of clinical guidelines. Women and Birth, 33(3), 219-230.

Rogers, H., Coates, D., Liley, H. G., Homer, C., & Henry, A. (2021). The Cross Cultural Workers in Maternity and Child and Family Health Service for women and families from migrant and refugee backgrounds: A mixed-methods study of service providers perceptions. BMC Women’s Health, 21(222).

Rogers, H., Homer, C., Coates, D., Hogan, L., & Henry, A. (2020). Responding to the health needs of women from migrant and refugee backgrounds—Models of maternity and postpartum care in high‐income countries: A systematic scoping review. Health and Social Care in the Community.

Coates, D., & Catling, C. (2021). The use of ethnography in maternity care. Global qualitative nursing research.

Dadich, A., Piper, A., & Coates, D. (2021). Implementation science in maternity care: a scoping review. Implement Sci, 16(1), 16.

Training, workplace and leadership

Coates, D., & Howe, D. (2015). Combatting staff burnout in mental health: Key leadership tasks that are fundamental to staff wellbeing and retention. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 10(2), 24-32.

Coates, D., & Howe, D. (2014). The design and development of staff wellbeing initiatives: Staff stressors, burnout and emotional exhaustion at Children and Young People’s Mental Health in Australia. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 62(6), 655-663.

Coates, D., & Mickan, S. (2020). Challenges and enablers of the embedded researcher model. Journal of Health Organisation and Management.

Coates, D., & Mickan, S. (2019). The embedded researcher model in Australian healthcare settings: Comparison by degree of ’embeddedness’. Translational Research, 218, 29-42.

Mickan, S., & Coates, D. (2021). Aim and purpose of the embedded researcher role: Current perspectives. International journal of health planning and management.

Mickan, S., & Coates, D. (2020). Embedded researchers in Australia: Survey of profile and experience across medical, nursing and midwifery and allied health disciplines. J Clin Nurs.  

Coates, D., & Clerke, T. (2020). Training interventions to equip healthcare professionals with shared decision-making skills: A systematic scoping review. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 40(2), 100-119.

What works to reduce and respond to violence against women

A series of reviews of reviews and evidence syntheses disseminated though the What works to reduce and respond to violence against women evidence portal, including:

Cullen, P., Walker, N., Koleth, M., & Coates, D. (2022). Voices from the frontline: Qualitative perspectives of the workforce on transforming responses to domestic, family and sexual violence (Research report, 21/2022). ANROWS.

Rose, M., & Coates, D. (2021). Reducing relationship and sexual violence: Findings from reviews about the effectiveness of Respectful Relationships and Bystander Programs in School and Tertiary Education Settings (Reviews of reviews) ANROWS.

Coates, D., Hamilton, L., Koleth, M.  (2022). The effectiveness of crisis and post-crisis responses for victims and survivors of sexual violence: An overview of findings from reviews (Reviews of reviews) ANROWS.

Bell, C., Ison, J., & Coates, D. (2021). The effectiveness of interventions for perpetrators of domestic and family violence: An overview of findings from reviews (Reviews of reviews) ANROWS.

Blackmore, H., & Coates, D., (2021). Circles of Peace restorative justice-informed program for perpetrators of DFV/IPV (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/14). ANROWS.

Bell, C., Ison, J., & Coates, D. (2021). Duluth perpetrator behaviour change program (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/1). ANROWS.

Dawes, C., & Coates, D. (2021). Financial psychoeducational programs for female victims and survivors of domestic and family violence (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/6). ANROWS.

Dawes, C., Ison, J., & Coates, D. (2021). Domestic and family violence psychoeducational groups for female victims and survivors (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/7). ANROWS.

Gilbert, B., & Coates, D. (2021). Electronic monitoring of DFV/IPV perpetrators (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/10). ANROWS.

Gilbert, B., & Coates, D. (2021). Second responder programs for victims and survivors of DFV  (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/10). ANROWS.

Ison, J., O’Sullivan, G., & Coates, D. (2021). RealConsent bystander program for male university/college students (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/2). ANROWS.

Ison, J., O’Sullivan, G., & Coates, D. (2021). The Women’s Program: Bystander program for female university/college students (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/3). ANROWS.

Ison, J., O’Sullivan, G., & Coates, D. (2021). TakeCARE bystander program in educational settings (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/12). ANROWS.

Rasmussen, V., & Coates, D. (2021). Domestic and family violence and intimate partner violence screening and response in the emergency department (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/4). ANROWS.

Rose, M., & Coates, D. (2021). Culturally safe healthy relationship programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school-aged girls to prevent family violence (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/8). ANROWS.

Rose, M., & Coates, D. (2021). Early intervention networking events for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to prevent family violence (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/9). ANROWS.

Rose, M., & Coates, D. (2021) Community forums and events to prevent family violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/5). ANROWS.

Trojanowska, B. T., & Coates, D. (2021). Psychoeducational groups for children and adolescents exposed to domestic and family violence (What works evidence synthesis, WW.22.01/11). ANROWS.